GLory Story: A youth minister point of view

April 2021

A Glory Story is a holy success story! More specifically, it is a short story sharing how God has become better known in the lives of people who have had contact with the ASJB. These stories are full of hope and give all glory to God! Every month we share a new story here so be sure to check in monthly to be uplifted by how God works in the lives of so many!

If you have a Glory Story of your own to share or have seen God work through the ASJB, contact us and we can feature your story!

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College Night season is right around the corner! With this in mind, we want to share an amazing email our Apostolate received after our College Nights last summer. Paul Dwyer, the Youth Minister at St. Theresa Catholic Church, wrote to us the following email to share his thoughts and gratitude!

“A thousand thanks to you and everyone at ASJB.  What a wonderful night - I have to tell you that I needed that experience just as much as my teens did.  The effect that COVID-19 has had on our ministry has been pretty brutal so a chance to spend some time with the teens and your group was so greatly appreciated.  The speakers, Bernie, Becca, Maria, and Erinn were simply amazing.  I know their names because they had such great things to say that I had to take notes - seven pages of notes and I almost didn't bring my notebook - the Holy Spirit must have nudged me.  And Father Stephen Vaccaro's closing statements were such a great wrap-up - and the part about service really planted seeds in my brain about our own program.  

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“We had a meeting last night out in our courtyard and one of the young men from that night came. During 'roses & thorns' he just opened up about the night - and that is really not in his character.  He went on and on about the speakers and the message.  That was the same experience as the whole ride home with all my teens.  And big props to Caitlin - what a great ambassador for your group.  An extra 'Bosco Bundle' will be delivered personally this week by me to a teen who is unable to come to our outside in-person meetings…he hated to miss your night but was so happy that you were kind enough to let me bring him a package.  He will be heading to VA Tech in the Fall so to know he has a family waiting on him there and that being a Catholic Hokie is a real and awesome thing - well that is priceless.

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“I can honestly say that your College Night is the best thing to happen in our Ministry in a long time - so thank you to everyone…You all are a real blessing to every Parish, Parent in the Diocese, and to every University program that is lucky enough to get those gathered teens!!!!”

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